
Judging People

I’ve been thinking about my own personal criteria for people: what I like in others. I think the biggest thing for me is hard to define; I’d call it brightness or quickness. Not really intelligence, but the ability to understand and say something funny, interesting, original-wondering what their take on something is, because it’s bound to be worthwhile. Unpredictable people I love and hate... not knowing what a reaction is going to be, for example being able to get away with an idiotic comment when they’re in a certain mood, but other times getting frozen out. It’s a lot of pressure, by the same token, because you have to constantly feel how far you can go (and the fact that you’re not sure if they’ll like what you have to say or not) is nerve-wracking and rewarding. There’s something to say for feeling comfortable, too. Knowing that no matter what you do or say can change what someone thinks of you is safe, reassuring. Then again, some times people are great for no reason...anything out of their mouth is gold, because they’re amusing as a whole. I can actually say I don’t hate anyone, as I’ve never really had a problem in my life (guess I’m lucky). For me, there’s something about every person I know that will make me laugh, so I just have to find it and then concentrate on that. It occurs to me that I’m excessively optimistic. That’s probably true. Actually, everyone I’m friends with, I am because I think they’re better than me in some way and I hope it rubs off on me.

Never underestimate how scared people from England are of bears. The thing is, the bears are still more scared of people from England than the English are of the bears.


MilliVanilli said...

I've had this very thought before, and I have to admit, I can only see that amusing part of someone when I'm in a good mood. I wish I saw it all the time because, well, life would be a lot more amusing. Also, I think it makes sense that you don't hate anyone, even if it's out of your control... because if you hate someone who cut in front of you in line, what are you going feel when some guy screws you over, by setting your house on fire and raping your dog or something?

Stephen said...

uh oh. Megan caught on to Blakes plan inadvertantly.
must warn. must warn. must warn.

Anonymous said...

blake tried to sell me his cat.
like school is the motherfucking SPCA or something.

i don't think i really hate anyone... but i haven't met very many people. i'm sure there's someone out there with whom i would clash horribly. oh, wait... mme.johnson- or the president of iran. they're pretty much on par, anyway.