
A song song song about everything

Yeah, so I finished mixing the "first single" today. I think The Current is a passable band name. Good, not great; then again, it's better than Starfish (Coldplay), or Mythical Ethichal Icicle Tricycle (the Dead). Maybe I can use that sweet boat I drew as our logo or something. I called the song "Deanimated?" and, in a nutshell, it's an imaginary dialogue between a dying atheist and Timothy Leary. What a screwed-up idea for a song... It sounds, as usual, completely different from everything else I write. It's not a ripoff of a specific artist though, it's me singing like me, and it makes me wince.

Might as well explain to the nobody that cares how I got "The Current" as a name. It's a Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters thing, and I read about it in the Electric kool-aid acid test (Tom Wolfe, yeah before that crappy Bonfire of the Vanities thing). The next big thing that they wanted to do (whether it was hopping on the bus and freaking out the establishment or inviting dozens of hells angels over for tea and biscuits) was called "the current fantasy", but since I didn't want to partially steal Owen Pallet's use of "fantasy" in a band name, or make it sound kinda wimpy. Also, I can now use an electric or nautical bent on the word (even though the whole water theme is currently being done to death).

I am so not serious about the whole band thing though, not really. To be so seems a little crazy to me, actually, to be serious about anything seems at this point to be ludicrous; just about everything I do is for a joke, something to make myself laugh and forget the impending doom of responsibility or the emptiness of lack thereof. Not that I think that.

Predicting things isn't that amazing. We're people, and people create the future. We WILL have our jetpacks, because we thought of it, and a future without jetpacks is inconceivable because they were conceived of (in the past) and must be realized (now, which is the future).
I'm reading the Brothers Karamazov because I got sick of everyone everywhere talking about Dostoyevsky and poor old me not knowing anything about him. It's full of philosophy which I can somewhat identify, and talks about Russia alot, which I can't.

Reading a book which you cannot accept is an amazing experience-everyone with the stomach for it should read some Sade and hear, among other things, a perfectly logical argument for the completely natural right of a mother to kill her children at any time in their lives, while at the same time admiring his vulgar eloquence and hating him for expressing emotions and desires which we may or may not have, but that we know are evil and terrible (and we kick ourselves for even thinking). Maybe that's just me, though. Maybe everyone else is all saintly and not secretly murderously perverted in the head. Wow, that came out wrong.

I read that both Jaco Pastorius' basses were stolen before he died, and were never seen again. I really would love to know whether someone has 'em locked up somewhere, or whether they're in the back of some dusty pawnshop, or if they're in pieces in a dump somewhere.

Some musical info; Jesus and Mary Chain, Radiohead, Barenaked Ladies, Flaming Lips, and the Kinks are hugeish influences. I refuse to take it back, Chris, Amos Lee has a damn sexy voice; so does Aimee Mann, though. My favourite song is currently "In the Sun" as done by Michael Stipe, with Coldplay, on Austin City Limits. While in Cuba, I saw Michael Stipe doing an interview on some cuban tv show, then switched back to "Catwoman" with english subtitles.


Anonymous said...

i think i understand about the whole everything being a joke thing. my life has been one epic joke. i don't really mind though; people who take themselves too seriously seem to have more broken blood vessels than people you don't.
you may think i'm kidding, but i'm sadly, sadly not.

Greg McLeod said...

Did Mr Frye's nose have broken blood vessels? I think he's the only one in the world who could take him(self) seriously. Every male drama teacher I've ever met creeps me out.