
What I intend to accomplish

This is not one of my most pressing fears-if I had a job, would I have time to kill writing purely for my own amusement? Probably. I have a physical need to "waste" the time I have; if something's gotta be done, then it's not to be enjoyed (but I will not paint your fence). The gum I swallowed is chilling the inside of my stomach so I'll finish this up... Hopefully this blog thing will hold my interest for a while, enough time for me to subject myself to my inconsequential opinions, thoughts, observations, and (questionable) poetry (Yes, myself, because I'll probably wind up trying to read this objectively...stay tuned for the "8 reasons why Greg McLeod is a conceited bastard" article). Oh man, that's a very weird feeling. Never swallow that really cold gum before chewing it a bunch. D'you think if I swallowed two wintergreen lifesavers and then do a bunch of cartwheels, I could warm myself back up? Or is that just for chewing them?

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