
The Last Astronaut

...is thirsty because there is no TANG. It has gone the way of the dinosaur and James Brown (kicked off without saying goodbye). They thought I would not notice that "TANG Orange" is now being masquaraded as TANG, but they underestimated (again) the amount of time I have to obsess over crystallized drinks.
Christmas happened, predictably, on the 25th and I was reminded of the life I have made for myself. I suppose the upside to this is the fact I can be extremely excited about using my new ad/da digital converter (though I'm not sure whether anyone else knows what that is). My favourite gift was that which I bought my uncle, a heavy book called "1001 Albums to listen to before you die". Maybe morbid, but truthful-when I die, I want to have listened to the right stuff (so I don't wind up in a fiery pit with ABBA and Styx playing).
Which reminds me: we may be pirating like there's no tomorrow, but that's just because people need music more than they ever before; everyone will have their own personal soundtrack, reflecting what they do and feel at all times... I walk home listening to music, and it's quite possible that one of the cars could hop the sidewalk and end my existence: with this in mind, I limit my walking music to those songs which I would be proud to die to. How much would it suck to collide with a speeding automobile while listening to "Why can't we be friends", or be listening to that in the car while I come through the windshield? (I've by now forgotten what point I was trying to make).
I just bought an album by Final Fantasy, whom I've been informed is the guy who arranges the strings for the Hidden Cameras and the Arcade Fire, and hated it, for about five minutes. Then the third track came on, and I could appreciate that there were no guitars (and that was okay), that harpsichord rocks with furious intensity, and that the lyrics were awesome.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

I think your real problem is that you suck at image editing

And hey if TANG wants to branch out to the general populace, then i'm not complainin'. Too many astronauts getting the TANG treatment

I really need to lend you Mr. Beast
It will change your life