
On Disabilities

When you haven't been able to hear for a week, your alarm in the morning is a wonderful sound. Even if it means your six hours of sleep are now over. Having your ears plugged all the time is terribly annoying, especially when you're trying to write midterms or participate in discussions. And all it took to cure myself was to threaten to go to the doctor about it. Yesterday as I'm sitting in school, unable to hear, a man taps me on the shoulder and hands me a card that says "I am a deaf person. I make a living selling these cards. Please buy one at any price." So after realising that I probably couldn't resell the card very easily dressed as I was, I wrote "Really? I can't hear either!" on my chem homework. I thought it'd be mean to ask him to buy it though. Honestly, if you're going to sell cards, you could draw something nice on them. The deaf guy at the ferries sold little fold-up scissors. This guy is really just lazy. I say that, but I don't give money to homeless musicians either. I guess when you've seen them do their income tax, you realise they've lost touch with their roots. Which reminds me, do you think that really rare braille books get put behind glass?


ava said...

Do really rare regular books get KEPT behind glass? What would be the point of even a rare book if you're only ever allowed to see two pages of it?
So I'd say no.


A person with a disability busking would be a fair bit more impressive than a regular person busking. Though you don't see that much.
I give money if I enjoy the music. Simple appreciation, I think.

Going to write soon?

Greg McLeod said...

At least in any library I've been to, rare books are propped open to two semi-interesting pages, and you're left wanting to leaf through but are stopped by a clear, sand based barrier.

I promise I will write soon. Today, in fact.

Natalia said...

so people deserve money based on talents?

alex said...

to a point, i would agree that yes, people deserve money based on talent. if you were a talentless dentist (ouch, this example is already making me cringe), then i would EXPECT that you earn less than a talented dentist! this would be obvious, in the dentists' case, because the talentless dentist would be less frequented than the talented one... people dont want botched root canals!!

Anonymous said...

Disabled people. Am I right?